Reliable and efficient repair services

Quality Workmanship: Our team of experienced professionals takes pride in their work and strives to exceed customer expectations.

Prompt Response: Our customers rely on our quickly response to their needs and the accurate estimate of the time required to complete the job.

Versatility: Whether it’s fixing a leaky faucet or repairing a damaged roof, our team has the skills and expertise to handle any job.



Attention to detail is a critical factor in our repair job, as even small oversights can lead to bigger issues down the line. As a small construction company, our team can provide a level of attention to detail that larger companies may not be able to match. This attention to detail begins with the initial inspection and continues throughout the entire repair process.

Our team will thoroughly inspect the area to be repaired, looking for any underlying issues that may need to be addressed. Then we provide a comprehensive solution that addresses not just the immediate repair need, but any underlying issues as well

Competitive pricing is essential for us. At Keri EC we understand the importance of affordability and we strive to offer competitive pricing for our repair services. By keeping our overhead costs low and leveraging our expertise and experience, we can offer fair and reasonable pricing to customers.



Our team of skilled plasterers is trained in the latest techniques and uses only the highest quality materials to ensure that every job is completed to the highest standards of excellence.


We provide expert sheetrock installation and repair services for residential and commercial projects of all sizes. Our team of skilled contractors is trained in the latest techniques and uses only the highest…


Our team will thoroughly inspect the area to be repaired, looking for any underlying issues that may need to be addressed. Then we provide a comprehensive solution that addresses not just the …